Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Pancake Tuesday

Yesterday was Pancake Tuesday.  Not Fat Tuesday -- Pancake Tuesday.  Apparently, Pancake Tuesday is a last hurrah before Lent begins (in the manner of Fat Tuesday and Mardi Gras).  

I got offered pancakes numerous times by different people.  C, one of the women at the office, brought in pancakes for everyone for the tea break.  I commented that I wasn't aware that pancakes had that much sugar in them (in comparison to cookies, cakes or any of the other teatime snacks).  The response I was given was, "It depends on how much sugar you add.  My mommy always adds a lot."  

Pancake Tuesday is a common enough tradition to transcend to EastEnders (a popular TV show/nighttime soap).  I was bullied into watching the show yesterday with one of my housemates (I am not a fan) and one of the families on the show had pancakes for dinner in honor of Pancake Tuesday.  

I regret to report that I did not take full advantage of this tradition.  I only had one pancake.