Friday, February 15, 2008

My New Orange Coat.

Here's another one of those older entries that never made its way to the blog.

An important fashion update from Belgrade: I now have my own Serbian coat. It is long, warm, and looks like a bright orange sleeping bag with faux fur on the hood. I’m not particularly a fan. The benefits of this coat include: it was cheap (around $12 dollars) and it gets people (the activists at WiB) to quit nagging me about my need for a new coat.

I had no real desire to buy the coat, but everyone at WiB kept insisiting I needed a warmer coat. I thought my coat was doing just fine. After all, it gets cold in Indiana. Well, I was overruled.

One of the activists, S, found me the perfect coat at a little shop close to the train station. The day after Christmas (while Tory and Katie were still here) I went with S to go and purchase it. Katie and Tory were out having some nice, warm beverages while I was at the office finishing up some last minute tasks -- and purchasing a coat. It was orange. They had a creamy, mustard yellow, but there was only one left and it wasn't in my size. So I was stuck with orange. I returned to the office wearing it and everything loved it.

I still don't particularly love the coat, but I concede that the coat is very warm and it was very cold here for a while. In fact, the coat is so warm I only wear it when it is really cold or I start sweating while I stand waiting for the bus.

That's all I have to say about that. I just thought everyone should know that I have made my first step towards a Serbian fashion sense. Let's hope it doesn't go much further. (I don't consider a transformation to a Serbian fashion sense a good thing. Although not everyone has a weird sense of fashion here, I have already seen some odd looks and have heard that sumer will be an interesting fashion show.)


Anonymous said...

Oh, faux fur on the hood along with the orange coat, sounds right up Karsen's alley! The problem we have with her faux-fur hooded coat is that the dog, no matter how many times he has seen it, always thinks it is another animal when it is laying on the couch or a chair, and chases it around barking and growling for several minutes. So definitely bring it back with you to the U.S. for some fun times with Brinsley. :) We miss you and are glad you are getting your art appreciation in! Love, the morgans

parental units said...

Reminds me of that oraange bag you got for free. Do they match or compliment one another? I am sure you could use the coat to block traffic or if you want to hunt, you
ve got it made. ypu saying to you I miss you and love you.

P.s. I like orange especially those clementines.