Monday, December 31, 2007

Coming Soon

I have a lot of blogging to do to catch everyone up on the business that has been my life in Belgrade. Believe me, I am keeping a list of things I want to blog about soon. I'll soon be adding blog entries on my trip to Velika Plana for a WiB seminar (in which I had to give a short speech about international solidarity and endure a question and answer session), my Christmas here in Belgrade, my lost in the city adventures, and much more. Soon, but not today.


parental units said...

I can't wait to hear about all the happenings! I am just glad to hear you are well and are keeping warm.
Love you always and forever, mom

janet said...

it's a good thing you don't have anything up today.;... i'd want to read it adn i think i'd fall asleep at my desk doing so!

look forward to learninga bout your adventures. love you. j

Anonymous said...

We are looking forward to hearing about your Belgrade adventures, Katie. Until then, hope the New Year is just the beginning of a year of helping others as you achieve goals that you have set for yourself. 2008 will definitely be a memorable year for you and we thank you for allowing us to share your experiences.
Love, Marcus and Mary